Bhramari pranayama

p r a t y a h a r a - one of Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga, is a Sanskrit word meaning the conscious withdrawal of the senses, or creating an inward focus.

Bhramari pranayama or the ‘bee humming breath’ is is great way to practice this, as the blocking and closing of the ears and eyes instantly turns off the two senses of hearing and sight. Placing fingers in front of the eyes can assist even more than only closing the eyes as it creates a darkness and stops you getting distracted by shadows or changes in light, but depending where you are when you are practicing this breath, you may not feel as comfortable with this. I suggest trying both and then choosing your position of choice.

To practice it, start with blocking your ears. You might want to use your thumb if you are then going to cover your eyes with your fingers, or you could use your forefinger if you are going to simply close the eyes. Then take a deep breath in and on the exhale make a mmm sound or the sound of a bee humming, and continue for the length of the exhale. Repeat this for as long is comfortable. You might be surprised how the humming sound can relax and calm you almost instantly…

This can be practiced at any time of the day, but you might like to try it just before your asana practice or when are you are preparing for shavasana. Enjoy! 🐝 ✌️💜

